how do we grow spiritually? |
ONE APPROACH TO growing spiritually starts with being willing to explore the possibility that the spiritual world is real, that our spiritual parent is real.
A big step is taken when we discover the fact, and then have a confirming experience, that we have a loving spiritual parent; and we therefore are beloved spiritual children. More progress is made as we spend time with our spiritual parent,
Once we recognize and appreciate the nature of our spiritual parent, we will begin to desire for ourselves the values, principles, and purposes that are characteristic of such a spiritual parent. These higher values are spiritual because they connect us to our inner spirit and because they lead us to our spiritual destiny. | What is our spiritual destiny?
Our experience of life now may seem so very opposite of this destiny! Imagine for a moment what it might be like to live in circumstances where everyone is your loving friend. As we progress in expressing our spiritual parent’s loving nature, spiritual values such as courage, integrity, sincerity, fairness, and compassion are reflected in the way we treat others and the way we are treated by others. This way of life is an adventure in progress and growth which began when we were conceived by our human parents. We began with:
From that state of innocence, we have been encouraged and helped to become more and more like our spiritual parent. This encouragement and help surrounds us and lives within us. Part of our life adventure is to discover the help that is provided and learn to make use of it. |
How Do We Grow Spiritually? |
How To Be a Better Person |
About Us
We are a group of spiritual adventurers sharing our ideas about how to grow spiritually and experience joy in a world that sometimes feels so difficult. We offer ideas based on our own experience. We do our best to give you simple descriptions, explanations, examples, and exercises. We promise: no obligation to us on your part, no cost, nothing to join, nothing you must profess to believe, no attempt to convert you. We simply want to share what we have discovered; you can use whatever works for you. May you grow in the joy of living! | ExploreWhat Is The Urantia Book? |