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Study Groups

Since 1985, The Urantia Book Fellowship has provided a Study Group Directory as a service to readers of The Urantia Book. We support Urantia Book study, and list groups who gather for this primary purpose. Urantia Book Study groups are independent, diverse and autonomous. They vary widely in their approach to study and spiritual practice. We encourage you to ask about the group's format before attending. Each group is unique yet each shares a common goal, to explore the advanced truths and cosmic concepts revealed in The Urantia Book. We encourage you to list in the directory so that all interested persons may respond to the call, “Whosoever will, let him come.”

Click here for a wonderful booklet on how to begin and organize an effective study group. Website:

The website is the result of many years of multi-organizational planning and represents the most comprehensive study group directory on the internet.  Click here for more information.

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