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Urantia Book Web Resources

Note: Inclusion of a website in the index below does not imply endorsement of content by The Urantia Book Fellowship or the website production group. These listings are provided as a service to site users. If you have a site that is oriented to The Urantia Book, please send your URL, the name of the site, and a two or three sentence description of the contents to the webmaster. Please report dead links or corrections.


Key Resources

Urantia Book New Reader Services
This organization exists to help you with your exploration of The Urantia Book and Urantia readers community. It will help you answer your initial questions and find Urantia Book references and resources on a wide variety of topics. Whether you’re interested in angels, life after death, spiritual growth, God, evolution, or other profound topics, The Urantia Book probably covers it. What’s more, the group offers personalized help, as well as online meetings, classes, and events.
Urantia Book Translation Portal
Free and convenient download of all translations. The complete English text of The Urantia Book. The Russian, Korean, Arabic, Spanish, Portuguese, Croatian, Polish, Persian, Lithuanian, Dutch, Italian, Estonian, Romanian, Finnish, and French translations with more coming
Urantia Book Explorer
The purpose of the Urantia Book Explorer website is to assist the researchers of The Urantia Book by combining a flexible search engine with the ability to browse up to four texts in parallel columns. It contains 24 texts in 19 languages as well as study notes in English and Russian languages which are hyperlinked to their corresponding texts.
Urantia Family Life
A site dedicated to exalting the highest ideals of family life as revealed in The Urantia Book, with blogs and interesting features and articles to promote spiritual family life.
Urantia Now
The official site of the Urantia Book Fellowship's Youth and Young Adult Committee. A comprehensive blog site with many interesting features and articles.
Urantia Foundation
A primary source for The Urantia Book and numerous translations.
Great study resources provided by Urantia Foundation
A primary source for The Urantia Book and numerous translations.
Urantia Association International
Connecting Urantia Book readers from many countries, study groups, projects, forum, event conferences.
The Urantia Book Historical Society
Their mission is to promote and foster an awareness and appreciation of The Urantia Book through its heritage, origins, background, development, and general history.
Master Universe Almanac
Charting The Urantia Papers
Discussion board, Urantia Book quote of the day, illustrated Jesus Papers, Videos, PowerPoint presentations, Audio, much more.
The Christ Experiment
The plain and open teachings of Jesus of Nazareth, without added dogma and tradition, can change the world and usher in a new era of peace and liberty.
Urantia University Institute
A global center of study and service dedicated to training teachers and leaders and fostering spiritual community with ideals based on The Urantia Book.
Through The Year With The Urantia Book
Annual cycle of readings from The Urantia Book, with special emphasis on Part IV: The Life and Teachings of Jesus.
The Urantia Library
Founded in Denmark in 2013, The Urantia Library is a site that connects readers who would like to be a hub for distribution of the book.
The extraordinary cosmic art of Gary Tonge whose art is used generously by permission on our site. Gary is also the designer of the Uversa Press book cover.
Artistic renditions of celestial personalities represented in The Urantia Book.
The Urantia Book inspired art of visionary artist Robert Venosa.
Featuring original music by Chris Sohre and Photo Art by Marty Eigenberger
Including a video about Jesus' Bestowal Mission, Essays and Artwork by a long-time student of The Urantia Book.
Activities of Urantia Book readers in the New York region.
Activities of Urantia Book readers in Southern California.
In-depth studies of The Urantia Book with Dr. Chris Halvorson, audio and video recordings of classes.
Larry Mullin's website
Harry Fieldson's unique analysis of The Urantia Book revelation using trigrams and color to portray Trinity Concept. A simple downloadable PDF document.
The work of Matthew Block and Saskia Raevouri on Urantia Book sources, Posters, Books, and more. A site rich with Urantia Movement history and fantastic study aids.
Celebrate your divine kinship with this great inspirational site.
Review of The Urantia Book from a Persian perspective
By Halbert Katzen. Includes The Urantia Book with annotations, topical study aids, plus UBtheNEWS reports on new discoveries that verify Urantia Book history. Integrates original scholarship with other people’s efforts.
Ambassadors Substituting for Christ. Urantian concepts from a Biblical point of view.
The search for God is everything.
Mark Austin's site featuring great Flash presentations on The Urantia Book.
Materials, Ideas, and Inspiration
  • Urantia Discussions

Urantia Book Reader's Online Network, the readership's longest-running open discussion forum
Urantia Book Reader's well moderated and open discussion forum at
Extensive listing of Urantia related sites.
Review of The Urantia Book and the movement
Wikipedia's article on The Urantia Book.

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