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More on Urantia’s Planetary Government: The Four and Twenty Counselors (Part One)

2013-09-27 10:57 AM | Dave

The problems associated with human existence on Urantia are impossible of understanding without a knowledge of certain great epochs of the past, notably the occurrence and consequences of the planetary rebellion.” (67:0.1; pg. 754)

With Onamonalonton recently on our minds after The United Urantia Family Festival’s (TUUFF’s) Yosemite celebration in August, let us also honor him for his position on the council of twenty four, assisting our planet as a representative of our Creator Son, Michael. It’s even possible Onamonalonton has served his one hundred year term as resident governor general at some point since Michael became Planetary Prince. He could be serving as we speak but we are not given such provocative details in The Urantia Book

Each of these counselors serves as a governor general on Urantia as “a provisional and advisory chief executive.” “Every one hundred years of Urantia time, the Jerusem corps of twenty-four planetary supervisors designate one of their number to sojourn on your world to act as their executive representative, as resident governor general.” (114:3.1, pg. 1252)

Sixteen of the counselors are introduced by name in The UB, (45:4, pg. 514). The other eight seats are “not permanently occupied.”

“Urantia had no sure and settled relationship with the local universe and its administrative divisions until the completion of Michael's bestowal in the flesh, when he was proclaimed, by the Union of Days, Planetary Prince of Urantia. … in practice the Sovereign Creator Son made no gesture of personal administration of the planet aside from the establishment of the Jerusem commission of twenty-four former Urantians with authority to represent him in the government of Urantia and all other quarantined planets in the system. One of this council is now always resident on Urantia as resident governor general.” (114:1.1, pg. 1250)

Of the consequences The UB asks us to understand, a major one is the effect of the quarantine imposed on our planet following the Lucifer Rebellion of 200, 000 years ago. After the default of the Prince’s staff, a temporary government was installed under twelve Melchizedek receivers (as discussed in my blog item of 9/13). The rebellion ended our relationship with the visible representation of universe rule that we had with the Prince’s staff, although Prince Caligastia himself was not visible to human eyes. Some relief for this situation came much later with the arrival of an Adam and Eve, a Material Son and Daughter, 37,927 years ago.

“These Sons [and Daughters] provide the inhabited worlds with a mutually contactable intermediary between the invisible Planetary Prince and the material creatures of the realms.” (45:5.3, pg. 515)

However as we learn in The UB story, later machinations of the deposed Planetary Prince Caligastia ("the serpent" of the Bible) led to the default of our Adam and Eve. They then experienced a degradation of status from “Son and Daughter of God” to that of mortals. When they subsequently departed Urantia through the normal process of mortal death, the isolation of our planet seemed complete. Our planet Earth had suffered a double default of universe leadership.

How will this “restoration of … lost knowledge (101:4.5)” of the Lucifer Rebellion help our understanding of human problems? I have noticed that it has sharpened my awareness of where, how, and when the Lucifer Doctrine still operates in our planetary affairs.

Another crucial lesson for us here is the importance of renewing our faith as a way to build relationship with “the kingdom,” or universe government. Because we no longer have a visible representative of a heavenly government, we must learn to treasure our relationship with the Father through the Thought Adjuster’s presence, with Jesus through the Spirit of Truth, with other “heavenly helpers,” and rely on our faith “in the evidence of things unseen (99:5.8, Hebrews 11.1).” We must proudly fulfill our role as “agondonters … evolutionary will creatures who can believe without seeing, persevere when isolated, and triumph over insuperable difficulties even when alone.” (50:7.2; pg. 579)

(In Part 2 of this article, I will cover previous revelations of the twenty four counselors. Please stay tuned!)

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