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The Nature of Thought Adjusters and Our Contact With Them

2013-01-23 10:22 AM | Dave

Encourage yourself to form a “favorable liaison” (110:7.6, p. 1213) with the gift of spirit that dwells within you. There is perhaps no better collection of passages describing the fruits of our attempted contacts with indwelling spirit than what is found in the Urantia Book (UB). These are concrete, literal experiences, no longer mere symbols of an all-pervading “Force,” or the personifications of poetic metaphors other texts may have provided.

The UB authors encourage us to be proactive in our relationship with the indwelling spirit fragment. We can, “rejoice in the ever-present possibility of immediate communion with the bestowal spirit of the Father.” (5:1.3, p. 63)

“All mortals...have been ‘lighted by the true light,’ and they possess capacity for seeking reciprocal contact with divinity.” (52:17, p. 590)

“...the ..spirits of fusion potential...”, “...draw the nearest to the spirit touch of inner communion with the very souls of his mortal sons and daughters.” (40:5.3, p. 445)

“...the heavenly helper [can] cheer you with the clear vision of the eternal outlook of universal life ...” (111:7.3, p. 1223)

“...the presence of the divine Spirit, the water of life...prevents the consuming thirst of mortal may be strengthened with power through His spirit...” (34:6.8, p. 381)

“...the Adjuster translates…the universal broadcasts of love proceeding from the Father of mercies.” (110:7.6, p. 1213)

“the divine Monitor”...”endow[s] the personality partnership with the meanings and values ... carried forward from the eternity of the past.” (110:7.5, p. 1213)

Enable the indwelling spirit, “ register his picturizations of destiny with augmenting vividness and conviction ...” (110:6.5, p. 1209)

Faith in “the assurance of the divine presence ... will expand the mind, ennoble the soul, reinforce the personality, augment the happiness, deepen the spirit perception, and enhance the power to love and be loved.” (Jesus, 159:3.12, p. 1766)

“... as you progress in harmonizing with the Adjuster's spiritual leadings...”, “you can...more fully..discern the presence and transforming power of those other spiritual influences that surround you and impinge upon you...” (5:2.4, p. 64)

“...every honest attempt of the material mind to communicate with its indwelling spirit meets with certain success.” (Jesus, 133:4.10, p. 1475)

UB reader, Cristina Hutchins, once shared an insight with our study group: “It struck me that in our personal ministry, we may enter discussions where the concept of the Thought Adjuster arises, and we may feel uncomfortable using it.” She shared a list of alternate descriptions of the Thought Adjuster and Mystery Monitor that she’d assembled. Since she welcomed us to add to it, I went ahead and added more below, including some from other traditions. If you come up with more, I encourage you to join in the fun and please add your discoveries to the project. Here, in alphabetical order, is our list so far:

A capacity for the infinite, (from W. Clarke, Roman Catholic), the Atman (Upanishads),

the Buddha nature (94:11.5),

Divine gift, Divine indweller, Divine lover, Divine presence, Divine spark, 

Father fragment, Fire Builds Inside (American Indian Blackfoot teaching), Fragment of infinity,

Guardian spirit or spirit ally (American Indian), Great Mystery (Wakan Tanka in Lakota Sioux)

Immortal germ (UB 132:3.6), Inner Self (Upanishads), the indwelling spirit,

The Kingdom of Heaven within you (UB 108:6.2, Luke 17:20),

Pilot light, the Pilot Supreme (Sri Chinmoy), the Purusha (India),

Spark of infinity, Spirit guide, Spirit that dwells within you, Spirit teacher of man’s soul (149:4.2), Spirit of the Universal Father, Still small voice within, the Spirit in a (hu)man (Upanishads/India), the Supreme Mystery beyond thought (Maitri Upanishad), Qi or Chi (Chinese), True light which lights every person, the Water of Life

As the list seems to confirm, it doesn’t seem to matter overmuch what term or title we use for the indwelling spirit. “God of many names, gather us in. We come together from different places around the world to share our faith and to learn from one another. Allow us to learn from your children who are different than us,” as said in a prayer from Sojourner Magazine.

There have been many times I myself did not feel comfortable with using the term, “Thought Adjuster.” I preferred “spirit guide” though I can see the imprecision of that phrase, how it could just as easily apply to the way the Spirit of Truth operates. Over the years I’ve grown more comfortable with the term predominantly favored by the UB authors as I learn and experience its reality. Thought Adjusters don’t fix things that are wrong, or provide answers right away. They adjust our attitude to the oftentimes difficult situations we encounter in day to day living.

For this reason, I enjoy Tabamantia’s speech where we hear the Mystery Monitor described as one who adjusts more than our thoughts. These Father fragments adjust for our mistakes and “compensate for [our] shortcomings”:

"I come to express admiration and profound respect for this magnificent group of celestial ministers, the Mystery Monitors, who have volunteered to serve on this irregular sphere. … You have helped to adjust the mistakes and to compensate for the shortcomings of all who labor on this confused planet.” (108:3.6)

These remarks mirror Rodan of Alexandria’s commentary on what he believed Jesus derived from “contacting with divinity.” (160:1.11) Rodan was impressed with what Jesus found, “better methods of adjusting oneself to the ever-changing situations of living existence, to effect those … readjustments of one’s personal attitudes … so essential to enhanced insight into everything worthwhile and real.”

May you be blessed in your efforts to build a relationship with the “Thought Adjuster” under whatever name or term appeals to your soul.

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