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The Religion of Jesus | Charles Laurence Olivea

2016-03-21 4:34 PM | Daniel
The "religion of Jesus" has hardly ever been lived on Urantia according to The Urantia Book.  His was the greatest life ever lived, but many appropriate what they want from it or project onto it, rather than actually live it.  

He told the Apostles that they called him, "Master," but he did not call them, "servants."  Instead, he called them his, "friends." Remarkable. He also said that anyone wishing to be his, "friend," must love their fellow mortals the way he and the Father loved us.  Theirs was a parent's love, divinely so.  Following him -- living his religious life -- means to seek, find and act upon God-consciousness.  To follow him religiously, we must go beyond brotherly or sisterly love.  We must learn to assume the Father-perspective: that love that does not count the cost.  A Father's love can result in a reciprocity of feeling and worth, but such a love is given with contingencies.  

The broader, deeper significance of this point may be, in my opinion, characterized or illustrated in this way: the core meaning of the entire text of the first five papers in The Urantia Book may be summed up as a "Father's love."

I am most drawn to Jesus because of his kindness and decency.  But I am amazed by the grace of his friendship.  I am awed by the Creator Son wanting to be my friend, personally.  I trust and believe him and in him.  Our Master sought and followed the will of Universal Father in each of his significant or meaningful decisions in mortal living.  (This is why he was never [rarely] in a hurry: he was following a perfect guide.)  To really follow him we must do the same, forging a living spiritual tie between human mind and divine spirit.  A connection that actually grows.  We must be willing to commit freely and trustingly to the Father's invisible presence, adjusting mortal mind in time to realities in eternity. 

Jesus (Michael) is a personality of majestic proportions.  To follow him is to embrace a living spirit -- to exhibit in truth, in reality, the Fruits of the Spirit.  Friendship with such a being means to be transformed by his Spirit of Truth and then in turn be led to the Father's indwelling spirit.  The paradox of these ties -- these bonds -- is that such a mortal person is liberated by the connections themselves.  Think about it: friendship with Jesus will lead (eventually) to a peace passing understanding.  Combining comprehension and contentment.  True insight into universe meanings and spiritual values.  This experience transcends even knowledge and wisdom.  

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