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Commonality Among Faiths - The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

2020-06-16 9:36 PM | Stephanie


Major Tenets of

The Church of Jesus Christ

of Latter-Day Saints

Comparative Passages from The Urantia Book

1. The Godhead - Heavenly Father, God the Son, and the Holy Spirit as 3 separate spiritual beings who are unified in purpose.

10:3.1 "Notwithstanding there is only one Deity, there are three positive and divine personalizations of Deity."

(aka Heavenly Father/Eternal Son/Infinite Sprit)

2. The Plan of Salvation/Progression - Heavenly Father's universal plan for us to become perfect even as He is through giving our pre-mortal spirits (aka Thought Adjuster) earthly bodies, opportunity to gain experience in this life, and be resurrected and glorified in the next (aka Mansion Worlds).

32:5.7 “There is in the mind of God a plan which embraces every creature of all his vast domains, and this plan is an eternal purpose of boundless opportunity, unlimited progress, and endless life.”

108:6.6  “And as you are the human parent, so is the Adjuster the divine parent of the real you, your higher and advancing self, your better morontial and future spiritual self."

3. The At-one-ment of Jesus Christ - Jesus Christ living his complete life on earth provided a way for us to become perfected  like Heavenly Father through Christ's power, earthly example, and guidance from his Light of Christ (aka Spirit of Truth)

120:2.3 “When you have succeeded in terminating the Urantia secession, as you undoubtedly will, I counsel you to ... do any and all things, consistent with the purport of your bestowal, to atone for the sorrow and confusion brought upon Urantia by the Caligastia betrayal and the subsequent Adamic default."

194:2.6 "Thus it appears that the Spirit of Truth comes really to lead all believers into all truth, into the expanding knowledge of the experience of the living and growing spiritual consciousness of the reality of eternal and ascending sonship with God." 

4. The Restoration of the original Gospel of Jesus Christ - A return to the original teachings, religious organization, and priesthood offices setup in Jesus' time. 

- Greater focus on the life of Jesus Christ and not just his death. 

Greater focus on living the two great commandments:  Emphasis on gaining a personal testimony and being spirit lead. 

-Non-paid general lay ministry.

-Modern day Women's Evangelistic Corp re-established called Relief Society.

- Ministry callings and responsibilities for all members over 12 yrs old.

195:10.5 " In winning souls for the Master, it is not the first mile of compulsion, duty, or convention that will transform man and his world, but rather the second mile of free service and liberty-loving devotion that betokens the Jesusonian reaching forth to grasp his brother in love and sweep him on under spiritual guidance toward the higher and divine goal of mortal existence. Christianity even now willingly goes the first mile, but mankind languishes and stumbles along in moral darkness because there are so few genuine second-milers—so few professed followers of Jesus who really live and love as he taught his disciples to live and love and serve."

195:10.6  "The call to the adventure of building a new and transformed human society by means of the spiritual rebirth of Jesus' brotherhood of the kingdom should thrill all who believe in him as men have not been stirred since the days when they walked about on earth as his companions in the flesh."

5. Modern Day Prophets/Apostles and Continued Revelation - God has again called prophets and Apostles to speak for Him and lead His Church. Individuals can receive personal revelation for areas in their spiritual stewardship. Inspired scriptures continue to be given to us such as the Book of Mormon - a revelation of Christ's dealings with the American continent during biblical times. Joseph Smith was called as a prophet and given The Book of Mormon as another testament of Jesus Christ to jump start the Church  and re-focus on his core gospel - Fatherhood of God and loving service to the Brotherhood of Man.

196:2.6 “Jesus founded the religion of personal experience in doing the will of God and serving the human brotherhood.”

195:10.16 "The great hope of Urantia lies in the possibility of a new revelation of Jesus with a new and enlarged presentation of his saving message which would spiritually unite in loving service the numerous families of his present-day professed followers."

6Restored Priesthood and Priesthood Keys - The eternal power and authority of God has been given back to us for organizing and  improving the temporal and spiritual welfare of our fellow brothers and sisters. This includes the Aaronic priesthood to administer in the temporal affairs & the Melchizedek priesthood to administer the spiritual affairs.

From 1820-1836, Joseph Smith was visited by various members of the
(Council of 24) who gave him these same keys to administer in Christ's restored religious organization once again on the earth. These included John the Baptist, Moses, Elijah, & Enoch.

157:0.1 “To you and your successors I now deliver the keys of the outward kingdom—the authority over things temporal—the social and economic features of this association of men and women as fellows of the kingdom." 

39:4.14 – “The keys of the kingdom are sincerity, more sincerity, and more sincerity. All men have these keys. Men use them – advance in their spirit status – by decisions, by more decisions, and by more decisions. The highest moral choice is the choice of the highest possible value – in any sphere, in all of them – this is to choose to do the will of God.”

7. Making personal Covenants with God through outward Ordinances - Baptism, Gift of the Holy Ghost, Temple Endowment, and Temple Marriage are various ordinances and covenants that we can make in this life that represent our future universe journey.

Commonalities in the Teachings of The Urantia Book: 1. Baptism - receiving a Thought Adjuster around 8yrs. 2. Gift of the Holy Ghost - all of your spiritual ministering forces. 3. Temple Endowment - Adjuster fusion into a new Spirit being. 4. Temple Marriage - having an Eternal companion and administering creations like Christ Michael & the Universe Mother Spirit.

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