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the artists of the afterlife

An artistic depiction of Celestial Musicians jamming in the afterlife

When a beloved musician dies, we like to joke that they’re going to heaven to join the angel band. Imagine Elvis, Jimi Hendrix, Janice Joplin, and Jerry Garcia getting together there to jam! Maybe Carlos Santana will join them one day. 

What makes such a vision even more intriguing is that these musicians all owned, or own, a copy of The Urantia Book, in which vast realities beyond this world are revealed.

In The Urantia Book, celestial musicians like those depicted in Eastern religions are identified as real beings. We can barely conceive of the music and art of the heavenly realms, but several Dharmic religions have images of marvelous musicians and artists in their panoply of divine beings.

Eye has not seen, nor has ear heard, the artistic wonders that await us in the afterlife.

A swirl of color. Celestial music is only one of the artistic pursuits in the heavens.

Art Will Be Part of Our Afterlife

The Urantia Book paints a picture of life after death as an eternal journey of adventure and discovery. We will traverse a universe of many levels populated by an inconceivable diversity of beings. And art will be part of our future lives as we make our way to Paradise: poetry, music, architecture, multi-dimensional images, embellishment, performance, humor, entertainment. 

Of course it’s nearly impossible to convey the true craft of the celestial artisans in human language, but imagine the possibilities! The artistic corps of the afterlife is waiting to provide us with many delightful experiences. 

Imagine a musician who creates a symphony with odors: the blends of sweet flowers from many planets washing over us in waves of scent and sound. Picture craft workers of color who create melodies of tints and hues, most of which are outside the range of our present limited human awareness. What a fantastic vision!

Heavenly architecture amid forest and stream. Divine architects are among the celestial artisans.

The Architecture of Divinity

Think of heavenly architecture, magnificent structures built with gemstones and crystals. Could this be the origin of our idea of the Pearly Gates? As the Bible notes, “there are cities ‘whose builder and maker is God.’ ” 

We will encounter the work of the Divine Builders, who create magnificent edifices for education, play and worship, as well as cozy nooks in which we will rejuvenate after long days of learning and service, lovingly provided by the Teachers of Rest.

A colorful drawing of four men laughing loud. Humorists will join celestial musicians in entertaining us during life after death

The Humor of the Heavens

Once we are infinite beings, we’ll have no trouble watching a play about the history of a planet that lasts for a thousand years with a cast of millions, presented by the historic pageanteers. 

And, without a doubt, there will be celestial comedians to entertain us. In fact, humorists hailing from Earth are in high demand in the heavens, since we clever earthlings so often use merriment to help us through difficult situations. These Reversion Directors also serve as tour guides and sponsor group play activities.

Now that's something to look forward to!

Angel-like beings and an explosion of light. Celestial musicians create with sound, light, color and energy.Celestial Musicians and their Marvelous Melodies

And then there’s the melody of the spheres. Celestial musicians create with many sorts of “materials”. These include sound, light, energy, color, harmony of associated spirits, the melody of thought and emotions, and the harmonies of space. 

“There is a vastness of range and a soul of expression, as well as a grandeur of execution, associated with the melody of the spheres, that are wholly beyond human comprehension. I have seen millions of enraptured beings held in sublime ecstasy while the melody of the realm rolled in upon the spirit energy of the celestial circuits.”  (The Urantia Book, 44:1.1) 

Piano keys on a background of musical notes and sky. Perhaps we will hear celestial music here on earth one day.Can a Musician Change Our World?

The Urantia Book makes a fascinating suggestion: that such otherworldly music may one day be heard on Earth:  “…be not discouraged; some day a real musician may appear on Urantia (Earth), and whole peoples will be enthralled by the magnificent strains of his melodies. One such human being could forever change the course of a whole nation, even the entire civilized world. It is literally true, ‘melody has power a whole world to transform.’” (The Urantia Book, 44:1.15)

Every time I hear a new inspiring musician, I wonder if this is the one who will change the world. What a blessing that would be to our traumatized planet.

The intriguing truth is that we humans can choose to be one of these wonderful artists and musicians as part of our career in the universe. This is an entirely new concept of life after death, and one that I greatly anticipate. 

Like Elvis and Jimi, we are all in for a big, wonderful surprise!


The Celestial Artisans

The Celestial Musicians


Is Heaven Real?

What Will We Do In Heaven?


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