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What Will We Do in Heaven?

Although no one living in this world can tell us how it actually feels to wake on the other side—to survive death—we still try to imagine life after death.

We look upon the night sky and imagine a purpose for the endless sweep of stars and galaxies; we see images from long-range telescopes and wonder about the stunning beauty of whirling elements, the dance of physical creation.

We believe death is the doorway to an eternal life . . . a necessary next step. But what then?

What will we do in Heaven?

What Happens in the Next Life?

First, for a moment, imagine how profound it must be to wake up after death on a new world, to discover that we survived with our minds intact. Imagine our joy to find that loved ones have survived and to realize we can see these previously departed friends and family face-to-face, that our relationships are also intact and our arrival has been eagerly anticipated.

Just as life on this world is one big school, the next world is no different except there are no failing grades, no ruined relationships, and no trauma or drama to drag us down. In the next world we begin our education just where we left off but without the pain. We wake from death with no memory of mortal suffering and still the goal is learning—always, learning.

Learning to Be Perfect

In the next life we grow towards God just as we do in this life and we spend time perfecting ourselves through education, experience, and relationships.

In addition to the usual activities like eating, sleeping, working, and studying, we learn about the organized cosmos. We study the universe and explore the purpose of such a vast and beautiful creation.

We learn that the universe is friendly, that it’s populated by evolving mortals (similar to us) and created beings (like the angels), and that our partnership with God continues and deepens. We experience such overwhelming joy that worship in heaven is spontaneous—in the moment, wherever we are.

We encounter a nearly infinite diversity of people who come from countless worlds and galaxies and exist for the same purpose—to grow towards God, to seek perfection, and to serve the ones just beginning their own evolutionary journey. We learn to love all of God’s children no matter how different they are from us.

What will we do in heaven? A woman looks longingly towards the universe.

How Will We Grow?

Upon awakening from mortal death we possess a new and improved physical body. We enjoy new senses and better systems that provide for more efficient living. And once we learn all that we can on one world, we transition to the next—to a new environment.

Since there is no more physical death, we sleep during each transition. We wake with a new form adapted to each increasingly spiritual environment; we become more spiritual and less physical with every transition.

In this way—changing, learning, growing, repeat—we advance through the worlds and all the way to the center of creation: Paradise.

During this remarkable journey we travel everywhere we want to go, study anything we want to learn, and experience whatever our heart truly desires, because we’ve been gifted with an eternity of time and a free will and can choose our own path to God.

During this long transformation we are born as a physical person—an infant in the cosmos—and eventually become a pure spirit. By the time we reach Paradise, we are ready for any and all assignments . . . even to the farthest reaches of the whirling cosmos. And, as always, the student learns and becomes a teacher.

What will we do in heaven? A man walks along a road towards the stars

How Will We Find Our Way?

Waking up after death is a very profound transition. However, all transitions to a new world in a new form—and all experiences with every new being we meet—will expand our consciousness of God. This consciousness begins with our first moral decision in mortal form and continues to grow.

We learn to better recognize the God within, the quiet voice inside our mind that leads us forward, saying, “This is the way.”

What will we do in heaven? We continue to listen and learn, to experience truth and grow spiritually, and eventually we will stand in God’s presence with honor and glory as perfected mortals who have finally reached home.

Intrigued? Want to Know More?

“Throughout all eternity you will recall the profound memory impressions of your first witnessing of these resurrection mornings (The Urantia Book).”

Here are more articles about heaven and God based on The Urantia Book:

Is Heaven a Real Place? A Guide

Is Heaven Real?

How to Find God

What is The Urantia Book? Find out here.

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