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Outreach - Salt Lake City Street Fair

2012-09-17 2:59 PM | Richard (Administrator)

A grateful mother and son get the Urantia Book to share at the street fair.

Hello Agondonters!

I am super excited to report about the street fair that happened in Salt Lake City yesterday.  It was a beautiful day and there were SO many people that turned out!  I’m guessing there were about 10-15 people per minute past our booth.  We had the beautiful new covers on our books, a great banner done by Thomas Orjala, and lots of outreach material available for people to peruse and take with them. 

Three of the members of the SLC study group were there to assist with the introductions.  I have to say I have become fluent in introducing the book in less than 20 seconds.  If you can get their interest in that time they may ask a question or two.  Many people politely declined being engaged in conversation.  We sat there and wondered what they thought.  On the other hand many made eye contact and looked interested and so we asked the question “Have you ever heard about The Urantia Book?” 

During the 8 hours of being there we had a dozen or so that were genuinely thrilled to hear about it.  There was a mother/son duo that bought a book to share.  They had heard about it from someone else and couldn’t believe their good fortune in running into a booth at their local street fair. 

This was not a new age fair, just a local fair with local businesses and vendors.  Many of the people that passed by were families, many of them very large since we are in the middle of LDS country. 

We had a special 3-fold flyer that we made up that asked the question “Could The Urantia Book be the ‘Greater Revelation to Come’” as prophesied in The Book of Mormon.  It meets all the qualifications to be just that and we delineated that in the flyer and told many, many Mormons about it as they passed by.  They all knew about that prophesy and many were very curious about it.  One group of young women were impressed by the fact that I was baptized in the Mormon church after finding The Urantia Book.  We made it clear that you can be a Urantia Book student and comfortably be a part of any church that supports the brotherhood of man and the fatherhood of God. 

Tomorrow I will go down to the local bookstore here in Park City that now has The Urantia Book prominently displayed in their window on Main Street and see if I can speak there about the book in the upcoming weeks.  I, along with a few from the SLC study group, will give an intro to the book in SLC this Tuesday night at the local metaphysical bookstore.  We must have told 60 people to come out for the intro and 15 people have signed up from the advertisement! 

I write this not to toot my horn but to inspire others to consider this type of outreach.  It’s so rewarding to tell people about this incredible book.  The SLC group wants to buy an awning and invest in a nice banner that can be used for these types of events in the future.  It’s just so easy and fun.

We all agree that we have the most amazing book on the planet.  I believe our unseen friends are thrilled when we make it available so that they can lead people to it.  They need our help! 

I’ll include some pictures.  Contact me if you’d like any help getting these sorts of events going. 

Most sincerely,
Andrea Barnes
Outreach Committee, Chair

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