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Ancient Immigrants to the Americas: the Sangik and Andite Races

2018-07-16 9:17 AM | Dave

My friend at work, Anna Oliva, born, raised and educated in Mexico, spontaneously reacted when I mentioned Quetzalcoatl in conversation. “He had blue eyes,” were the very first words out of her mouth. Legends tell us that Quetzalcoatl was tall and light-skinned, with blonde hair and a beard, in contrast to the natives who were shorter, dark skinned and dark haired. I think the real human person at the heart of the ancient mythology must have been mixed race, or of a different race, perhaps known as Andite, if we read what The Urantia Book has to say. Quetzalcoatl may have been mixed blood of the orange race, or descended from the Andites of Peru, “traces of Andite blood reached Peru.” (79:5.9) Montezuma famously believed, even if only for a moment, that Cortes fulfilled the prophecy of Quetzalcoatl’s return. Interestingly, the Andites had returned. They came to Mexico as Spanish conquistadors.

Kukulcan (Mayan name) or Quetzalcoatl was “the priest-king of Tula” and may have been the father of agriculture in Central and South American. He may have been instrumental in the development and spread of maize. As the god of learning, of writing, and of books, Quetzalcóatl was particularly venerated in the calmecac which were religious colleges annexed to the temples, in which the future priests and the sons of the nobility were educated.

He emerged from a priest society in the spiritual culture of the Toltecs, became a teacher of his people, and introduced the sacrifice of butterflies and birds to take the place of human sacrifice. He is remembered by Aztec poets, one of whom wrote, "Truly with him it began, truly from him it flowed out, from Quetzalcoatl all art and knowledge."

The UB paints a more complex picture of the racial makeup in the prehistoric Americas. “These tribes [relatively pure-line remnants of the red race] were accompanied by three small groups of mixed ancestry, the largest of these being a combination of the orange and blue races. These three groups never fully fraternized with the red man and early journeyed southward to Mexico and Central America, where they were later joined by a small group of mixed yellows and reds. These peoples all intermarried and founded a new and amalgamated race, one which was much less warlike than the pure-line red men. Within five thousand years this amalgamated race broke up into three groups, establishing the civilizations respectively of Mexico, Central America, and South America.” (The UB, 64:7.5)

Only Peru is mentioned as the recipient of the Andite blood line. The UB records that sometime between 12,000 and 8,000 BC (a more specific date is not given), “One hundred and thirty-two of this race, embarking in a fleet of small boats from Japan, eventually reached South America and by intermarriage with the natives of the Andes established the ancestry of the later rulers of the Incas.” (78:5.7)

The Japanese origin of the journey throws me, because it discredits the first visualization that came to my mind of the famous Polynesian sailing canoes.         

As Saskia Revouri speculates in her article, God’s Orchestra. “The Urantia Book tells us that the outstanding characteristic of the orange race was “their peculiar urge to build, to build anything and everything, even to the piling up of vast mounds of stone just to see which tribe could build the largest mound (64:6.10).” “Let’s pair up an orange woman with a blue/Andonite man—their descendants might produce vast, artistic mounds of stone. Now if we inject these people with a dose of violet blood, which would accelerate their creative imaginations, they could very well build … cities such as the Inca Macchu Picchu in Peru.”From Saskia’s article on

It’s possible that our most enduring legacy of the orange race is located here on the Central and South American continents. Somewhat rapidly, these descendants of the orange-red-Andite race accepted the person of Jesus promoted by the Catholic Church. There is much discussion of the reasons why this came to be. Was it because they were “broken-hearted” as Ohiyesa (Charles Eastman) says. Or was it a practical decision to make the children’s lives easier in a white-dominated culture as Black Elk says defending his conversion to Catholicism. Or did they also recognize, by means of Spirit of Truth or Thought Adjuster insights, the cosmically significant reality of the bestowal of Michael of Nebadon?


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