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Second Miler Grant Program -
Pablo Morales

This project that was submitted by Pablo Morales is in support of a team of six Urantia Book readers and teachers in Venezuela who have been developing material for and facilitating face-to-face meetings. Their focus has been to have regular, two-hour meetings for deep discussion with readers and regular two-hour meetings to help new readers with their initial questions and doubts about The Urantia Book. Some of their activities have been transmitted on Urantia TV. They long to bring their meetings into the virtual world.

LECTURA INTERACTIVA (INTERACTIVE READING) is an ongoing project since October, 2020. We read the more difficult parts of The Urantia Book. Each chapter is read, analyzed, and discussed in a very interactive way. The idea is to offer the readers a multi-perspective point of view from seasoned readers and motivate them to share their points of view. 

PRIMERAS MIRADAS A URANTIA (FIRST LOOK AT URANTIA) is an ongoing project since August, 2020. It focuses on those who have not finished their first Urantia Book reading as well as very new readers. We also invite people interested in knowing what the book is about in general. The method we use consists in sharing an illustrative thematic presentation. We use many different documents that we create to help explain the ideas. Afterwards we provide an open session for questions and answers to the audience. The presentation is simultaneously transmitted on Urantia.TV, YouTube, Facebook, and Twitch.

PROFUNDIZACIÓN Y DISCERNIMIENTO (Deepening and discerning) is an ongoing project since August, 2020. We focus on those who have read the book at least once. This meeting is very attractive and unique experience to seasoned readers. We speak about any subject within the Urantia Book and share our opinions. We would like that each and every person feels free and comfortable in sharing their opinions.  The team who is doing all the preparation and making sure the meetings happen currently consists of 6 people:

Maria Auxiliadora Moreno

She has been a reader since 2007 and has attended multiple national Urantia events. Maria gives lectures in the prison system as well as to students at High Schools and Universities. She participated as a representative of Venezuela in the international meeting in Brazil 2018. She is also the Vice-President of Asociación Urantia Occidente Venezuela.

“As a result of my reading of The Urantia Book, I came to the absolute conviction that this is my truth. By virtue of this conviction I try to share it with as many people as possible, so much so that I am currently sharing with my husband and my children to integrate them into the work of revelation. I am focused on being able to reach a complete dedication to the teachings of The Urantia Book and its dissemination. This activity has changed all my plans regarding my daily life and I fully enjoy it.”

Marinett Morales

She has been a reader since 2008. Marinett is a UAI volunteer on a sub-committee as a coordinator for LatinAmerican volunteers and projects. She is the Secretary of Asociación Urantia Occidente Venezuela.

“I am a Urantian with a deep longing to revive Jesus in daily experience, teaching to every person their own sonship with the Universal Father. Therefore, I consider the reading of the fifth epochal revelation essential so that everyone can freely interpret its teachings. Likewise, I highlight and value the importance of study groups, as main nucleus meeting points, for reading, the exchange of criteria, integration in dissemination plans and the creation of real projects of altruistic service.”

Nathalie Jaimes

Nathalie has been a reader since 1996 when she read the life of Jesus. She completed reading the book in 2003. Nathalie has been a UAI member at large since 2003. She is the Treasurer of Asociación Urantia Occidente Venezuela.

“I am one of those who talks to people who happen to be nearby, even waiting in line to buy something. I consider that any casual conversation is an opportunity to plant a seed or water it with a few drops of dew. I give preference to the teachings put into practice.”

Marcelino Ramirez

Marcelino has been a reader since 1995. He has participated in 1,338 events related to sharing The Urantia Book. He has visited 22 states of Venezuela for this purpose and have had some meetings in other countries such as Chile, Mexico, Aruba and Colombia. Since 2001 he has been dedicated, full-time, to the dissemination of the fifth epochal revelation. Marcelino is a member of Asociación Urantia Occidente Venezuela.

“During the almost 43 years that I have been searching and sharing of Universal Truth, after the Spirit of God, nothing (of what my senses have captured) has produced more positive stimulus and a favorable change of life, as the content of the Urantia Book, especially the Life and Teachings of Jesus. For this reason, I have made myself available to the Divinity and my Guardian Angels, all the efforts of my will and ability to experience and share this Revealed Message and thus be able to inspire my fellows to be encouraged to know, study and put into practice these wonderful Revealed blessings to our very troubled Urantia.”

Jairo Miranda

Jairo has been a reader since 2007.  He has coordinated and directed various face-to-face study groups in the city of Mérida, Venezuela. He has also acted as an expositor in various study rooms and groups at the Latin American level. Jairo is the President of Asociación Urantia Occidente Venezuela.

Jairo directs and facilitates the study of Revelation in the virtual group URALYA, zoom room 3783212169 on Thursdays at 7:00 p.m. Venezuela.

On his YouTube channel he has posted more than thirty videos related to various themes of the Fifth Epochal Revelation.

“The Urantia book has changed my life, leading me to share its teaching with all my siblings through the development of videos and secondary material regarding the fifth epochal revelation. Currently I am dedicated to disseminate its teachings in a personal and virtual way.

Pablo Morales

Finished the first complete reading of the book in 1996. He is a member of Asociación Urantia Occidente Venezuela and maintains several social networks dedicated to the Urantia teachings:

Twitter: or @salensaturn

“I'm dedicated to the Urantia Book diffusion and consider myself as a faithful defender of the integrity of the content of the book. Every reader deserves to receive the information as the revealers gave it to us. I support and encourage to respectfully share the interpretation, understanding, point of view and personal opinion of each reader. Argument-based debates are enriching, they are like an "All you can eat", Urantia Knowledge Buffet.”


This amazing group upgraded their equipment so they can continue these meetings in the virtual world. The Urantia Book Fellowship has helped with the purchase of some of the equipment they need.

They reported that since they received the new equipment, they have produced more than 80 Urantia Book sessions and broadcast more than 60 videos live on YouTube.

The Urantia Book Fellowship would like to thank supporters of the Second Miler Grant Program for helping make possible this project and all the others the program has funded since 2020.

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