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Second Miler Fund Program

Revelation Development Grant Program

We are excited to work with you in helping spread the teachings of the Urantia Book!

General Guidelines

Grant Scope

The Urantia Book Fellowship’s Executive Committee and General Council launched a grant program in 2020 called the Second Miler Fund to support revelation development projects sponsored by bone fide Urantia Book readers or reader groups worldwide including Fellowship Committees, General Council members, Societies and Area Coordinators/Field Worker. 

Let your imagination soar. Annual program funding comes from investing a sustainable portion of Fellowship assets into the ideas and initiative of readers, both inside and outside of our circle. Those who are willing to go the second mile have ideas that will enable others to be inspired by this gift of revelation. 

Grant amounts will generally be capped at a modest level but exceptional larger projects and multi-year funding will be considered.  If you have an idea that is a revelation-development project and you need some support to pursue your initiative then we want to hear from you. 

The following is a small sampling of ideas we would consider that advance the Fellowship’s Vision.
  • Projects sponsored by Societies (for example, A Society outreach or renewal initiative)
  • Special projects by Urantia Book Fellowship committees
  • Initiatives by 2 or more Area Coordinators, Field Workers (program pending) or GC members acting together
  • Secondary works including music and film
  • A new regional gathering (max 1st and 2nd year)
  • A unique outreach initiative
  • An imaginative reader finding campaign
  • Initiatives that are especially creative and unique
  • We have an annual limit on our funding allocations, and our average grants range from $500 to $5,000.

The Second Miler Fund is intended to seed mostly smaller projects but big ideas are also welcome for exceptional consideration.

While not an absolute requirement, where possible, applicants are encouraged to seek other funds to help maximize the impact of the Second Miler Fund.

Record Keeping and Reporting

Within 3 months after the planned end of a project or each year in the case of multi-year projects grant recipients are to provide an overview report on outcomes and progress made.

Grant funds unspent after the expected project time-frame must be returned to the Fellowship. Any portion of a grant for a project which includes a refundable deposit shall be repaid to the Fellowship with the report (e.g. meeting space deposit or equipment rental) unless the deposit amount is needed in the budget. (Note that the Fellowship can help in setting up record keeping if needed.)

Failure to provide a concluding or annual report or not reimbursing the Fellowship unspent funds may result in future applications by the applicant not being accepted.

Applicant Expectations

An applicant’s affiliation with other UB-based organizations will not hinder an application as long as there is no conflict with the Fellowship’s Vision or Statement of Purpose.

The principal applicant must declare that they have read the Urantia Book in its entirety at least once.

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