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  • 2022-08-21
  • 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM
  • Virtual via Zoom - see info box for info


First Society now has details set for its annual Jesus' Birthday celebration, which will take place on Zoom only again this year. The commemoration of Jesus' 2,028th birthday will take place from 7:30 to 9:00 p.m. (CDT) and will be followed by an opportunity for socializing from 9:00 to 9:30.

Derek Samaras, formerly of Chicago and now residing in Colorado, will give an encore of his SSS'22 plenary presentation as the program for First Society's Jesus' Birthday celebration.

The program,entitled "Are We the New Salem Missionaries?” will explore how we might respond to this question. Derek will assess some of the ways in which the challenges and opportunities of the present are similar to, and different from, the experiences of truth-seekers 4,000 years ago.

Jerry Gerber will provide special music. There will be a remembrance supper (with elements provided at home by participants). A birthday cake ceremony is being planned for the end, during the social portion. We wish to note that since the GLMUA event (below) is in the daytime with the main event wrapping up in the early afternoon, and the online celebration is in the evening, those wishing to attend both should be able to have their birthday cake and eat it too!

All Urantia Book readers and their guests are welcome. For more information about this event, and to receive the Zoom meeting link, you may e-mail First Society at  or call Ken Keyser at (773) 338-1127.

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