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Paula Thompson's Retirement Party

  • 2022-02-19
  • 4:00 PM - 11:00 PM
  • Holiday Inn SNA Airport // and ZOOM

Invitation to Paula's Retirement Party on February 19th, 2022


Dear Urantia Book Friends,

The Fellowship is planning a celebration of the career of our cherished colleague Paula Thompson who is retired at the end of 2021. The event will be held in Orange County, California and all are welcome to attend and contribute to make this a special event.

For those able to travel, the event will be conveniently at the Holiday Inn SNA next to John Wayne Airport (SNA) and anyone traveling is able to book accommodations at the hotel where the General Council will be staying at our group rate of $98/night.   The celebration will include a fabulous 5 course meal, plenty of time to share stories and memories, and an evening party and reception supported by UBLA.  Please contact to coordinate your travel arrangements and RSVP if you can attend.  Having an early and accurate head count will be very much appreciated by the event planners. 

For those unable to travel and who want to participate, there will be a time in the program for ZOOM participation later in the evening (around 7:15 PM PST).  If you would like to contribute to that part of the program, likewise contact Geoff.

Finally, there has been interest by some to contribute additional gifts or other support to this celebration.  Likewise, those generous contributions can be coordinated through Geoff.

Looking forward to being with you at this memorable event.


Geoff Theiss, Director-in-Training

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