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Steve Dreier Remembrances

  • 2020-04-13 4:43 PM
    Message # 8897011
    Cristina (Administrator)

    Dear Fellowship friends,

    First, thank you to the Gratitude Committee for the box of Harry and David treats which arrived today.  It's hard to imagine a more thoughtful gift.  And thank you to those of you who have reached out by text and email and phone and post.  I am overwhelmed by the expressions of appreciation and love for Steve - and me.  I hope to get back to each of you personally, but it will take a while.

    Like the revelators I'm finding it hard to find the words to describe my experience.  Physically, Steve's last week on Urantia was heartbreaking.  He could barely breathe, but he chatted with our son Marc and the nurses and techs who came in to serve him with a smile.  We FaceTimed a lot and I felt his soul communicating because it was clear that his body could not.  Marc, an emergency room doctor, said he was not operating according to the rules of nature.  I know that he left Marc with an experience of the reality of spirit that may not have been possible in any other way.  What an incredible gift.

    I feel uplifted even as I miss his physical presence and am inspired to continue to do my best, as he did, with the work of bringing the revelation to our beleaguered planet.

    I am filled with gratitude and I send love,



    Not a day has gone bye that I haven’t thought about Steve since hearing of his graduation two and half weeks ago.  He was indeed a true cosmic citizen and it pleases me to know that his soul departure was yet another powerful experience that he will treasure in eternity.  Thank-you angels!

    I’ve really appreciated the loving tributes and photos that many of you have shared.  I, too, learned so much from Steve.  It was one of those relationships that validated friendship is an end in itself. 

    One thing that I would like to share that hasn’t been highlighted yet (likely because it’s not what most people think of when it comes to Steve) is his social skills.  To me, amongst many other talents, he was a community builder.  He always showed up, and along with Bobbie, the Dreier’s were the unofficial hosts of the party.  All the International conferences that we’ve enjoyed throughout the years, Steve was behind most of them.  So many times he was the first person I saw at a conference and one of the last to say goodbye.  His investment into the Urantia community (over 40 years of unbroken leadership within the Brotherhood/Fellowship) I believe was driven by his desire to see us gather and study and celebrate and support each other. He was a community builder by his actions.  This inspired me.  Of course, he leaned heavily on his amazing life partner to grow in this capacity and to stretch himself, but he did the work.  I think Steve was probably much more comfortable alone in his office reading some dusty old source book, yet he partnered with spirit, strived for balance, and showed up time and time again with a smile on his face and that twinkle of life in those beautiful eyes.  He didn’t allow his brilliant mind to separate himself.  He used it to serve, to socialize, and to share his wisdom within this community he so enjoyed.  Steve cared deeply about family ... that’s what cosmic citizens do.

    To a life well lived!

    Tony Finstad

    Northern Light Society of Alaska

    Friends, some days you wake up to a new reality that you don't want to acknowledge. Covid 19 took Steve away. Picturing the Urantia community without Steve Dreier feels like we've lost a lighthouse. Imagining the New York Urantia community without Steve, Avi, and Dave is hard to fathom. For them, they're on their way or have arrived on a better world. For those left behind, there's a deep sense of loss. Dave, Avi, and Steve will be remembered as pioneer leaders for a new revelation. Bobbie, Lila, and Marta, your friends love you and are here to support you. 

    For decades, Steve was one of my best friends. Through thick and thin, Steve was always there as a mentor, a wise counselor, and a smiling brother. He was reasoned, determined, loving, fair minded, and hopeful. During my first years as a trustee of Urantia Foundation, there were times that I needed a loving friend. Steve was always there and never too busy to offer encouragement. With the encouragement came his strong sense of purpose and courage. In his philosophical manner, he elicited bravery in the face of difficulties. He saw our mission in the light of the Supreme Being's plan. Steve was not a lazy soul and he expected those around him to take action for the spiritual betterment of the world. Steve would not back down from living a life dedicated to God. All our lives have been enriched because of Steve.

    Below are three photos on the 10 year anniversary of Jen and my wedding. Steve conducted the renewal of our vows. Thank you Steve.

    Goodbye brother. Until we meet again.


    Mo Siegel

    3 files
    Last modified: 2020-04-28 6:28 PM | Cristina (Administrator)

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