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Ruth Hartman Remembrances

  • 2020-03-17 11:09 AM
    Message # 8837483
    Cristina (Administrator)

    My Friends in the Urantia movement,

    It is with deep sadness that I write to tell you that my beloved partner, Ruth, has died. 

    She passed away peacefully in her sleep about an hour and a half after sunrise, Tuesday April 9th. She was 69 years of age. There will be an autopsy but the results will not be known for 4-6 weeks. The initial finds of the doctors are that there was a pulmonary embolism which may well have been the cause of death.

    Her son, Dane, her daughter, Kate, and her sister, Laura, and I are working out details for an obituary and memorial service at a later date, probably in the summer. We will be in touch when we have more information.

    This is, no doubt, a shock to you who knew her, as it was to us, who were closest to her.  

    A dear, lifelong friend, Rita Martin, perhaps said it best:

    Ruth was a very private person and did not want others to know about her health. I knew her very well and, because I knew her so well, as she became more ill, she withdrew contact from a number of people, including me. She would not discuss her health with those who loved her and, as a result, her death took us all by surprise.

    Ruth was a student of The Urantia Book for very nearly two-thirds of her life. Her departure to the mansion worlds occurred, memorably, on Resurrection Day; 1,989 years after the Master rose from the tomb in morontia form.

    I am sorry for the loss of your friend and our sister in Our Father’s loving universe family but we know where she is going.

    I will miss my beloved partner, a complex person who was good through and through; who wanted the best for others and our world;  whose kind feelings for others were not usually on display but were more often conveyed by what she did or accomplished;a private person who was ever engaged, thinking, feeling, and doing for others.

    I will miss her dearly.

    But I am cheered to know she will soon be with her late husband, Stan Hartman, with whom and with The Urantia Book as their guide, they raised two wonderful, good children, now with four wonderful children of their own between them—remarkable teachers and parents of the next generation contributing good to our world.

    Our teachings make a difference in how we respond to the fullness of our human condition. Let us move forward on our auspicious projects for the good of our world with renewed vigor.

    André Radatus

    Oh André!

    I'm so sorry for your loss and, although it may not be politically correct to say so, happy for her graduation. I remember saying to myself when her late husband, Stan, died, how is Ruth going to make it all on her own? And then, you came gallantly into her life and created a new and strong loving relationship. Yes, she was/is a gentle soul with a subtle bit of New Yorker in her. And Oh! what a great mom!! We will all miss her. You have been a wonderful part of her life over the past decade and I know we'll see her again.

    Please call if you need any help. John Hay

    Dearest Andre,

    My heart breaks for your loss, I stand beside you and offer a shoulder, a hand and an embrace to comfort you when needed....until you meet Ruth again.....I do not recall meeting her perhaps one day beyond......a poem I wrote about those who leave before we too are called home...I have experienced this, and I am sure many others have too!

    Namasté, Karen Larsen

    As the list grows longer of those I've lost,
    of loved one passed on, at such a cost
    of sadness and grief, and sorrow and pain,
    confused as I wonder, will we meet again.

    Even as I contemplate the possible plan,
    a warmth embraces me, right where I stand. 
    Suddenly I am feeling my loved one's embrace
    and hearing their laughter from a far distant place.

    Flowing up from within me, all the heartfelt love
    is experienced completely, as it falls from above. 
    For here in this season that this heart of mine explores
    I know that my loved ones are just beyond the doors...... of tomorrow.

    Karen Larsen 12-23-15

    Ruth Hartman photos

    7 files
    Last modified: 2020-03-18 8:15 AM | Cristina (Administrator)

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