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Charles Olivea Remembrances

  • 2020-03-06 7:40 PM
    Message # 8807040
    Cristina (Administrator)

    I, too, used to like to sit next to Charles when I was on General Council. I always gained something from his perspective on whatever matter was before the group. Several years ago he gave me a small poster with a variety of angel illustrations from his collection. And there is a note from him on the back. It is still on the wall in my study.

    Cece Forrester, Chicago


    Dear Friends

    Charles and I shared a warm regard for one another ever since our first real sit-down in KC years ago when we discussed our mutual  love for teaching, which lasted a whole afternoon.  And even before that during a GC meeting that I was observing, I found my eyes glancing over, and over again to an angel placed at Charles seat. I told him how I was drawn to it and with an immediate response he picked her up and placed her in my hands, promising she would look after me. She continues to watch over me,,,I sent this to Charles, the moment I read Toms email. I look forward to more talks and time with Charles <3 

    I just read an email from Tom stating that you, my friend may have transitioned over.  I  had no idea.  I want to send you my love and greetings as you travel onward to meet friends and family who went on ahead of you...we are all not too far behind.......

    Our meetings throughout the years have always brought a warm glow within.  And coming to meet Mary several years ago in Sante Fe, joining one of your studies, then Joe here in NY joining my study and finally meeting your son at Joe's memorial connected me to those who meant the most to you.  

    As teachers we knew that we had to meet our students where they were and raise them up. We will do that for eternity too. 

    My love and prayers for your entire family.

    Namasté, Karen Larsen


    Hello, my family,

    For those of you that don't know, Charles is preparing to depart this wonderful planet and move on to the next journey in life.  I believe he is now in the care of hospice.  It occurred to me that some of you may want to  send a last message to Charles in appreciation of our different relationships we've had with him before he passes as well as our condolences to those left behind after he passes.  

    Unfortunately, we are too late for that.  Charles is on the cusp of transition between this world and the next.  Please keep him in your prayers.  May he calmly and courageously give his life over to the next level of Spiritual awareness.  A true soldier of the Circles and messenger of God. 

    In the future, if someone we know from our community is getting ready to leave us, wouldn't it be nice if we were to be given a heads up so that we could send our love and courage to help them on their way?

    Loving you all madly, Tom Choquette

    CHARLES OLIVEA CHARLES OLIVEA, 76, passed away Sunday, November 17, 2019 at his Santa Fe home. His wife of 53 years, Mary, shares his words to you: Message to all people: Trust God's spirit; collect the riches of Mind and Divine Spirit. Let your hearts NOT be troubled--our souls are safe. To Grandsons: I love you. Live honorably. Bring Honor and Respect to your names. For Men: Be manly. Raise children as true fathers. Work morally. For Women: You are true Daughters of God. Thank you. To All: the universe is friendly. God wants you to know his peace. We are all his sons and daughters, which is the true basis for being brothers and sisters and Cosmic Citizens. Our Destiny is Essentially Safe. He also leaves behind sons Peter and Gordon, their wives May and Rosiane; grandsons Philipp and Michael, all of Connecticut; as well as other family members on the East Coast. Many friends in Santa Fe and scattered throughout the US and abroad will miss him also. A Celebration of his life will be held at 2:00 pm Sunday, December 8, 2019 at the Rivera Family Kiva Chapel Rivera Family Funerals and Cremations 417 East Rodeo Rd. Santa Fe, NM 87505 Phone: (505) 989-7032

    1 file
    Last modified: 2020-03-06 7:42 PM | Cristina (Administrator)

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