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David Kulieke

  • 2021-11-07 7:24 PM
    Message # 12108689
    Sally (Administrator)

    Dear Family, Friends, and Colleagues,  

    The Kulieke family wishes to thank each of you for your prayers and encouragement... We have felt the love that has surrounded us during this difficult time in our family’s life.

    David gave us a wonderful gift. His Power of Attorney for Health Care clearly stated his expectations in the event of the circumstances he now faced.

    "The quality of my life is more important than the length of my life. If I am unconscious and my attending physician believes, in accordance with reasonable medical standards that I will not wake up or recover my ability to think, communicate with my family and friends, and experience my surroundings, I do not want treatments to prolong my life or delay my death, but I do want treatment or care to make me comfortable and to relieve me of pain."

    There is so much sadness that he will no longer be with us, and we know that his loss will be deeply felt by the many people he so influenced throughout his life.

    We say goodbye to a husband, a father, a grandfather, and a friend for now. We love you. We miss you. And we look forward to the day when we will all be together again.

    Blessings to each of you,

    Marilynn Kulieke, David’s Wife

    Lauren Lawshe, David’s Daughter

    Brian Kulieke, David’s Son

    Ellen Macias, David’s Daughter

    Dan Macias, David’s Son-in Law

    Last modified: 2021-11-09 6:30 AM | Anonymous
  • 2021-11-07 7:39 PM
    Reply # 12108734 on 12108689
    Sally (Administrator)

    Marilynn and family, we love you so much!  Words cannot suffice. We are holding you deep in our hearts and souls, in continuing prayer. 

    Marvin Gawryn

    - - - - -

    Tremendous loss ~ 

    So sad for the Kulieke family. I send my heartfelt condolences and continued prayers for your strength and courage to endure these painful times ahead. Comforting energy — from a community that loves you — are coming your way.

    I will miss his unique personality, witty humor, and sharp mind. I enjoyed serving with David for 7 years on the Executive Committee and having the opportunity to room together while sharing our more intimate life passions … like dogs and baseball. Go White Sox!

    He was a wonderful family man and that’s the core loss here. That said, David and Marilynn did as much for this revelation as any other couple I can think of. There’s no replacing David and his many talents. It’ll take multiple people to fill his shoes with the Education Committee, SSS, and now a IC’23 vacancy. Also, my heart goes out to the many young Chinese students that adored him. 

    Thank-you, Kulieke family, for sharing his Power of Attorney for Health Care . I would like to incorporate David’s wishes (plagiarize my dear brother) and put this into my living will. I am touched that you view this as a "wonderful gift" as I can only imagine making this decision without a directive. I honor his decision to decline treatment to prolong his life under these very circumstances. He knows where his soul is going and that he will be receiving a new cosmic mind that is trauma free.

    Thank-you, David!  Well done, my friend.

    See you again soon.

    Tony Finstad

    - - - - -

    Well, we say “see ya later” to another friend.  In 3 days he will join all his family and friends waiting for him. What a wonderful reunion.

    God speed, David.  Love you.

    Carol Weathorford

    - - - - -

    David and I had a joke that he was always trying to get me to do things (join committees, projects, etc) and I was always saying no. So he started writing me poems of persuasion. There's nothing I could write that more perfectly captures David's brilliance, wit, and devotion than these, his own words.

    Here's the most recent one he wrote me, in an email entitled "I'll go to any lengths":

    Which Ruse?

    This sonnet might be seen as so much pandering:

    A futile effort to get what I want.

    I’ll try to hide my purpose by meandering

    When obfuscating I’m a true savant.

    But if pressed I must confess it’s true:

    Angie’s speech the object of this verse.

    My motivation’s easy to construe;

    Her talent (and her presence) to coerce.

    Before you say that I am egoistic,

    You must remember that you are a star!

    If you will speak, my feat is altruistic:

    The glory of the summer seminar!

                   You may think my sanity is slippin,’

                   But this may be a ruse so we’ll see Vipin!

    I'm glad to say that particular sonnet was successful and I agreed to do a plenary at the summer study session. Once it was over, he wrote me this limerick, with the email subject "It's about time":

    There once was a lady named Angie

    Who had energy like a Comanche.

    When she gave it to God

    (She always did with a nod),

    She made friends like me throughout        Uranche.

    If I can be half as dedicated a friend, server of God, and steward of the revelation during my life on Uranche, I will count myself lucky. David was the best of us, and I'll miss him dearly -- until we meet again.

    I'm sending all my love to you, Marilynn, and your family during this time of great loss.


    Angie Thurston

    - - - - -

    David was not only bright he was very funny and creative.  One of the reasons I joined and stayed on the Education committee was because of David’s intelligence and wit.  Years ago when I facilitated a society conclave presented by the three chairs (Education, Membership and Outreach), he named it "Silver Locks and the Three Chairs.”  Ever after I was Silver Locks or SL to him.

    His graduation is a great personal loss as well as a loss to the community.

    Bobbie Dreier

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    I just adored David. I will miss him greatly. All my love to his family.

    Andrea Barnes

    - - - - -

    Such a profound experience - the tragic loss of such a dedicated and energetic soul.  And yet knowing that he will wake up soon and experience the glorious journey he has read about for so many years gives great comfort.  And yet the silence of his voice, his personality, his intellect is heard by all who knew this great man. 

    What a gift he gave to live with the intense dedication to the teachings; what a courageous gift to give to his family - to state his wishes if such a thing happens. 

    The grief at this time feels almost unbearable, and yet the joy of knowing he is awake shines through.

    Sara Blackstock

    - - - - -

    I remember he and I talking one time about the original “Star Wars” movie and particularly the bar room scene where Luke Skywalker is surrounded by a number of odd creatures. They all think HE is the odd one. David said that entire movie is a twist on “The Wizard of Oz.” I’m not sure I saw the connection, but I am aware that George Lucas, the creator of the “Star Wars” universe, was influenced by the writings of Joseph Campbell. As one who has read Campbell's “The Hero With a Thousand Faces” a few times, I enjoy finding the commonality among the legends and epic tales throughout our literary history and like to guess how some of them might stem from the times of Dalamatia or the real Garden of Eden. David and I also shared a love for Shakespeare. Angie, I wonder whether something in blank verse would have enticed you to agree to his request as much as did the rhyme scheme below. (Love that slippin’/Vipin. I had to stop and think for a moment that Vipin is your husband.)

    I’m not sure where I’m going with this, so I’ll sign off. But I know there will be times when I think of something and I will wish David was still around so I could discuss it with him.


    Larry Bowman

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