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Lynne Kulieke Remembrances

  • 2021-10-29 3:47 PM
    Message # 12082972
    Sally (Administrator)

    By David Kulieke, cousin.

    Lynne was a lifelong teacher of Spanish and literature and a department chair at  Lake Forest Academy, a private high school. She practically filled a wall at the school with her many awards and recognitions. 

    She was a member of the First Urantia Society and, for many years,  of the Brotherhood/Fellowship General Council and Executive Committee. Most notably, she served as a long-time Education Committee chair. Among her accomplishments in that position, she created the Education Committee's Summer Study Sessions in the late 1970s, which still are presented two of every three years. Lynne was one of the outstanding students and teachers of The Urantia Book. Her family members were all Urantia Book students, including her father Warren, a president of the Brotherhood, her mother Geraldine, and her cousin Mark, also an active member of the Brotherhood/Fellowship and an employee of Urantia Foundation for a time. They have all preceded her in their graduations from Urantia.

    Lynne and I together presided over many memorial services for Urantia Book readers in our extended family, using a format  that includes both Bible and Urantia Book references. Marilynn and I will be using that service for Lynne's memorial, and we will announce when that service will be when it is determined.

    In memory of Lynne and anticipation of reuniting with her,

    David Kulieke

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

    Lynne was the very first reader of The Urantia Book I ever met. Christy had put us in touch, and this meeting with Lynne introduced me to the fact that there was a community of readers and made me look forward to becoming part of it. (Her familiarity with C. S. Lewis pretty much sealed the deal for me.) When I took over from her as secretary of First Society, she showed me the ropes. Lynne was so well-read, so cultured, so intelligent, so willing to share her knowledge, so interesting to talk to, with an insightful (and sometimes wry) way of putting things. I too will miss her, and am thinking (as I do more and more as the years go by) of happy reunions of the new arrivals with the previously graduated.

    Cece Forrester

    First Society, Chicago

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

    Lynne’s company in this material life has been a joy for me right up to her passage. The first Kulieke I ever met was David’s father Alvin, at Christy’s request because she wanted me to join Urantia Brotherhood. 

    Lynne’s claim on my heart started when I had just moved to Chicago in 1975 and Christy asked her to welcome me and show me around. Lynne invited me to a Chicago Symphony Orchestra performance, my first concert in that renowned orchestra hall. She was truly the first friend I made in my generation of Chicago area UB readers.

    My years as Lynne’s sister-in-law and colleague in the Urantia Brotherhood Education Committee and Executive Committee are among my fondest memories of Urantia Brotherhood at its best.

    I rejoice for the Kulieke family reunion coming soon on the mansion worlds. Godspeed and farewell to Lynne, with all good wishes to Mark, Warren, Gerry, and many others.

    In God’s peace and love,

    Barbara Newsom

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

    Lynne was a treasure, to our families, her students and to the entire Urantia reader community - what a legacy.  While we are comforted to know that this separation is only for a season, it is still such a loss. 


    Sue Snider Seccombe

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

    Like most of us old-timers, we have had many wonderful interactions with Lynne and look forward to working with her again on the Mansion Worlds.

    Mike Painter 

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

    I am so sorry to hear about Lynne. I never really knew her very well, but I was impressed with her background.

    The last time I saw Lynne was six years ago this summer at an SSS at Techny. I sat with her. As I was up for re-election for Secretary General, I asked her, “You were Secretary General once, weren’t you?” She said, “Yes, and I did not enjoy it!” I found that an interesting reply. I no longer have access to EC minutes, so I don’t know when she served, but I would guess it was for no longer than one term.

    My sympathies to all the Kulieke family and everyone else who knew Lynne. I’m sure she soon will be rejoining Mark, their parents, my sister, and many others.

    In loving friendship,

    Larry Bowman, retired Secretary General/General Councilor

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

    I was a member of the Education Committee in the 70s when Lynne was chair.  It was a superb experience under her able leadership.  I have a fond memory of Fiji dancing with her on stage at Summer Study Session the year that a Fijian couple visited. I think his name was Izzy Rathule.  I can’t remember her name.

    I also met Lynne at the British Museum one year and was overwhelmed by her knowledge of the exhibit she came to see. She was a scholar and a lovely lady and I feel privileged to have worked with her.

    David and family, I’m sorry for your loss of her personal presence.


    Bobbie Dreier

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

    I first met Lynne in 1972 at one of the famous Sunday afternoon lecture-study-social sessions and in 1976 I was delighted and fascinated by a curiously enlightening presentation Lynne made on the elusive and ineffable subject of personality. Her speech was charmingly enriched by a variety of cultural references while at the same time revealing a profound and thorough, integrated understanding of the teachings.   

    I always “had my eyes and ears alert” for Lynne at subsequent conferences, not wanting to miss an opportunity to chat with her and to learn more from her about any of the diverse areas and interests in which she took an active interest. 

    In my view, notwithstanding the magnificent attractiveness of the mansion spheres, I cannot help but think they will be immediately and richly enhanced by Lynne’s arrival.

    With sincere and loving compassion, 

    David Glass 

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

    Lynne was one of the students of the Book I remember first meeting as a newer reader as I was getting acquainted with the social fabric of our fellowship.  I simply remember how sincerely engaged and interested she was to meet another brother she had not known before.  And it was so on every brief encounter we had.

    I could not fail to notice her engagement in Urantia Brotherhood service early on.  Her name seemed to be everywhere on newsletters and publications.  These early impressions made on us by our leadership are formative.  She is part of the evidence that our movement truly regards women and men as equals. Equal fellowship and service membership was profoundly influential on a young student’s mind and heart, that our organizations, in this aspect, “walked the walk as it talked the talk.”

    Godspeed Lynne!

    André Radatus

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

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    Last modified: 2021-10-30 10:32 AM | Anonymous

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