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2016 Women's Retreat Alter

Society Forum Updates

Golden Gate Circle Society Discussion Forum 
For Golden Gate Circle Society members only: You need to self identify as a member of the GGC Society in your website profile.

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Golden Gate Circle Minutes

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Lawrence E. Jones Obituary

Study Group Contact Info

The San Jose Study Group  meets on Zoom on the first Monday of each month at 6:30 PM Pacific time. For Zoom invite contact Dave Gonzalez at or call 650 743-9668 or contact Mike Hagan – .

The Walnut Creek Study Group meets on Zoom on the second and fourth Sundays of each month at 6:30. Please let one of us below know if you would like to join us.  Contact person is either Sara Blackstock or Stephen Zendt  

The Santa Cruz Study Group meets in person and by Zoom on 2nd and 4th Wednesdays each month 1-4pm. We typically read the papers consecutively but vary to include topical studies as well. Contacts for the study group are Martha Babatola,, 831-419-2430 and Lee Smith, 831 462-4823.

Rossmoor/Walnut Creek Jesus Study Group meets in person only twice a month on Friday mornings at 10:00AM. We are a new study group focused on Jesus and we are reading the Jesus papers consecutively, averaging one paper per gathering. We have new and experienced readers and enjoy a social time after the meeting sharing a noontime meal. Contact for the study group is Elizabeth Jones, 831-566-2115.

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