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We respond to the needs of potential Urantia Book students around the world by sending free or subsidized copies of the revelation and its translations to people who either cannot afford or otherwise obtain The Urantia Book.  Watch our impact video below to see how the story is unfolding!

2024 Impact Report

Join us in making an impact. 

Letter from a Pipeline Recipient:

"I want you to know that because of your loving generosity I have seen many lives that were in the depths of despair be lifted to the sublime faith-knowledge of being a son of God. It is the most beautiful, gratifying, and humbling experience of my life. It would not have been possible without the love and generosity of you and all involved in sending so many free copies of The Urantia Book. I want you to know of, and share in the joy and satisfaction in knowing of the great effect you have had in many lives. 

Although gratitude is the strongest word I can think of to express my thankfulness to you, it isn’t nearly strong enough to express the feelings in my heart toward you! 

Sincerely, your eternal brother, RL"

Annual Reports

100% of funds contributed to the Pipeline of Light go to program expenses.  Here are the last five years of annual reports:

2023 Annual Report

2022 Annual Report

2021 Annual Report

2020 Annual Report

2019 Annual Report


In 1990, a student from Estonia came to a Fellowship conference letting us know there were readers that weren't able to obtain a copy of the Urantia Book.  That day, a paper bag was passed around the room to raise funds for that need.  Again in 1996, a group of students from Chile shared the story of 100 people who were reading a single book and that a copy of The Urantia Book cost over a full month's salary!  We did another fundraiser on the spot. 

As soon as more needs arose, books and funds just as quickly disappeared.  We knew we needed a sustained effort to provide a pipeline for the light of this revelation to be shared with the world.   This planted the seeds for the eventual Pipeline of Light Program which began as a program of the Fellowship in 2002.


We work in cooperation with the International Fellowship Committee, volunteers, and staff of the Urantia Book Fellowship, individual readers from around the world, Uversa Press, The Urantia Library, and Urantia Foundation.  We are deeply grateful to each partner who has helped make this program a success!


We need your help!  Work with Fellowship administrator to vet Pipeline of Light requests, navigate the unique challenges of international book placement, follow up with recipients to help them in their journey with The Urantia Book, and provide leadership to help the program grow in global impact.



The Pipeline of Light exists to serve.  To share the Pipeline of Light book request form use the link HERE

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