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Welcome to a history of races on earth

Learn about the origin of races and the first human race, as never before revealed.

The first human race - An Andonite, resembling an Eskimo

History of the World's Races 

Who were the first two humans?

The story of the human race begins with a single couple. They were a pair of primates who lived nearly one million years ago, somewhere between the Mediterranean Sea in Europe and the Indus Valley in Asia. 

These “parents of all mankind” are described in detail in a fascinating history of Earth as presented in a publication called The Urantia Book. 

The book says they were a brother and sister born with superior minds to the rest of the primates in their family and clan. They were very different from all those who came before them. They were the first beings on the planet who could be called human. 

These superior primates were a curious and adventurous pair who early learned to communicate in words. Drawn together, they one day fled their settlement and made a new home among the treetops to the north. They discovered how pieces of flint would spark when rubbed together and soon devised a way to make fire for warmth and protection. Little did they know that they were about to found the first human race.

Who were the first human race?

The pair went on to start their own family. They made their life among a cluster of rock shelters and small caves. The family grew for twenty generations before dispersing into new clans and tribes. These tribes formed the first human race – the Andonites.

Early primitive men and women had black eyes and a dark complexion. They resembled present-day Inuit.

They were a loyal people who showed affection for one another. The males fought for the safety of their family and friends while the females were greatly devoted to their children. 

They developed the first human language, came up with new inventions, and adapted themselves to their environment.

But as time went by, family feuds increased and tribal wars broke out. At one point, warfare threatened the whole race with extinction. 

Yet the fearless Andonite tribes succeeded in expanding farther northward into Europe and Asia. The cold and hunger they faced in the northern climate stimulated action and invention. They had to be resourceful to survive the hardships of the icy open lands to which they migrated. Their resilience and inventiveness made them the pioneers of modern humans.

Over many thousands of years, these tribes evolved differences and then mixed. This gave rise to a new race, the Neanderthals, who dominated the world for the next half a million years.

What is the origin of the races?

About 500,000 years ago, tribes in the highlands of India started a war that lasted a hundred years. The superior survivors of this long struggle gave birth to individuals with skins of different pigments. These individuals went on to create six colored races – red, blue, yellow, orange, green and indigo. They were called the Sangik races.

The human beings of these races were more intelligent than their fellow men and women. As they spread across the globe, often escaping the advancing ice, some of these races died out and others interbred. This led to the emergence of yet more advanced strains of human beings.

Just under 40,000 years ago, another race appeared on Earth called the Adamites. From them, a breakaway race sprung up: the Nodites. And this is another fascinating chapter in humankind's evolution that you can read about in The Urantia Book. Modern humans are descended from these various races. 

An expanded history of early humans

This epic tale of early humanity is “characterized by courage, bravery, and even heroism”. It is narrated in great detail in The Urantia Book

The book tells the story of humankind's great struggle to evolve from little more than an animal-like existence, through to primitive societies and on to the great but still imperfect civilizations of modern ages. This journey has taken hundreds of thousands of years and is still underway.

Humans have yet to progress to the point where they live in peace and harmony. The Urantia Book points the way. It is a revelation of mankind's biological origins and spiritual destiny. 


The Urantia Book

"All night long they sat up watching their fire burn, vaguely realizing that they had made a discovery which would make it possible for them to defy climate and thus forever to be independent of their animal relatives of the southern lands." 63:2.6

"Many of man’s earliest religious emotions grew out of his feeling of helplessness in the shut-in environment of this geographic situation — mountains to the right, water to the left, and ice in front." 64:1.2

"The Neanderthalers were great hunters, and the tribes in France were the first to adopt the practice of giving the most successful hunters the choice of women for wives." 64:4.2

"These Sangik children, nineteen in number, were not only intelligent above their fellows, but their skins manifested a unique tendency to turn various colors upon exposure to sunlight." 64:5.3

More questions?

Find answers

What were the first living things on Earth?

From which animals did humans evolve?

Is evolution under any sort of control?

What was early civilization like?

Useful links 

Roots, Race, Evolution and Genetics: A printable brochure

God’s Orchestra, by Saskia Praamsma Raevouri

From Ape to Man: A Pictorial Guide

The Concept of Race in The Urantia Book, by Charles Olivea

Discover more things Urantia

Finding the Urantia Revelation for the first time? Find out more: 'What is the Urantia Book?'

Or dive straight in to read The Urantia Book here.

The book is more than 2,000 pages long. Here are some summaries for easier reading:

The Story of Everything. An Overview by Michelle Klimesh

Quivering on the Brink, by Mary Ebben Livingston

The Abridged Urantia Papers, by Meredith Justin Springer

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The Urantia Book Fellowship publishes the book and supports a community of truth seekers learning, sharing, and living its teachings.  Find out more about the Fellowship here.

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