In Memory of Graduated Loved Ones
The purpose of the list below is simply to provide some basic details about those who have passed. For a more extensive memorial on each person, please visit the Graduation Memorial Forum. If you would like to add some comments, site registration is required. To honor a departed loved one, consider making a memorial donation to the Urantia Book Fellowship. ● Your donation supports the dissemination of The Urantia Book and its teachings. ● The family will receive notification of your gift on a card of your choice. To make a memorial donation, click this link and fill in the form. The card of your choice will be sent by postal mail to the family of the graduate. A receipt will be sent to you by email. ******* "The Father's love follows us now and throughout the endless circle of the eternal ages." The Urantia Book 2:5.9 (40.1) |