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Second Miler Grant Program -
Antoinette Hall

Antoinette is a speaker, musician and presenter in the Urantia movement who is involved with Unity Earth, the World Unity Movement, the United Religions Initiative, and Evolutionary Leaders.

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Antoinette’s project is to create a series of audio recordings and videos that promote our Universe Mother Spirit, The Feminine Divine, and women’s role in the life and teachings of Jesus. The audio recordings and videos are intended for the growing community of interfaith organizations and spiritual leaders who are increasingly becoming aware of and promoting The Feminine Divine and are uplifting the status of women in society. Antoinette plans to include a variety of vocalists singing in Chinese, Sanskrit, and Italian for this project.

It was during a conference on Vancouver Island that a goal-revealing question was asked, “How can we raise the awareness of the Mother Spirit in the broader community?” After the group discussed this topic, Antoinette decided to make that a primary goal in her own life!

Internationally, Antoinette has seen how music with a message can educate, enlighten, and transform people’s lives. Because of her presence as a speaker, musician, and presenter, Antoinette is in an ideal position to share the revelatory teachings from The Urantia Book in a very unique and subtle way through these audio recordings and videos.

After Antoinette composes, compiles, and creates each song. The Urantia Book Fellowship is helping with musicians, studio time, and video production.

The Urantia Book Fellowship would like to thank supporters of the Second Miler Grant Program for helping make possible this project and all the others the program has funded since 2020.


June 2021:

Antoinette's first song is I AM Mother Spirit

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