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The Urantia Book Fellowship

Our Mission

It is our mission to facilitate the worldwide spread of The Urantia Book and its teachings, to stimulate study, connect believers, and ensure that truth seekers everywhere have access to this supernal text.

Our Purpose

The purposes of THE URANTIA BOOK FELLOWSHIP are the study and dissemination of the teachings of The Urantia Book; the promotion, improvement, and expansion among the peoples of the world of the comprehension and understanding of Cosmology and the relation of the planet on which we live to the Universe, of the genesis and destiny of humankind and our relation to God, and of the life and teachings of Jesus; and the inculcation and encouragement of the realization and appreciation of the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of All -- in order to increase and enhance the comfort, happiness, and well-being of all people, as individuals and as members of society, by fostering a religion, a philosophy, and a cosmology which are commensurate with humankind’s intellectual and cultural development, through the medium of fraternal association, ever obedient and subservient to the laws of this country and of all countries wherein THE URANTIA BOOK FELLOWSHIP may extend.

Our Focus

The Primary focus of The Urantia Book Fellowship is the dissemination of The Urantia Book, but we also strive to bring together people who read and believe in the book. Through service, study and socialization, we have dedicated our efforts to serving the revelation and all who serve it. We affirm our sincere conviction that The Urantia Book is a genuine revelation of truth to humankind. We serve God and humanity primarily through the dissemination of its teachings but we also serve those who already read and believe in the book by fostering study and socialization. Fellowship members seek understanding among all students of The Urantia Book and among the peoples of the world. We are committed to the ideal of spiritual unity, which embraces individual religious freedom and diversity, as embodied in the teachings of The Urantia Book. 

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