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The Book of Urantia: Discover the Revelation Known as The Urantia Book

Imagine you are a celestial being looking down at this planet. Its name, in your language, is Urantia.

You observe that the people on Urantia have not yet learned to live in peace and harmony, and are far from achieving their spiritual potential. So you give them a book on how to get there.

The Book of Urantia.

Book and planets, concept of cosmic origin of The Book of UrantiaWhat Is the Book About?

The Urantia Book (a.k.a. the Book of Urantia) is about God, the universe, and your place in it. Its purpose is to help human beings learn more about their creator and his creation—about his infinite love for each of us and about the eternal life of love, adventure, and discovery that we can choose to live.

In its two thousand plus pages, the Book of Urantia tells us about other beings in the universe, how humans evolved and what they will be like in the future.

It explains that a divine spirit lives within us and guides us through this life and the next, helping us to become more spiritual and more loving.

The book also tells us the story of Jesus: his entire life, his noble character, and his wonderful teachings. You will fall in love with Jesus in The Urantia Book.

Front covers of The Book of Urantia, various translations.

A Revelation by Many Names

Did you know? The Urantia Book is being translated from English into many different languages and is well known around the world as the “Book of Urantia.”

The Spanish El Libro de Urantia, and the French Le Livre de Urantia were among the first translations, dating back to the early 1990s. An Arabic translation was also done around that time and is being revised.

Soon there will be more than forty translations, mainly into other European and Asian languages including Chinese and Japanese. At least half the world’s population will soon be able to read the book in their own language.

Find out more about The Urantia Book:

A framed photo of Jimi Hendrix.How Many People Have Read The Urantia Book?

That’s difficult to say. More than one million people have bought the book since it was first published in 1955. That does not include recent sales of e-books. It’s safe to say that millions more have read it online or downloaded it from the internet. Others have listened to the audio versions of the book.

Some people have read it many times. Among them are those who dedicate a lot of their time, even their lives, to spreading its teachings. They believe the world should know about this revelation of God’s love and glory.

Some famous people were avid readers. The rock musician Jimi Hendrix (above) carried it with him everywhere and told friends how much he had learned from it. Blues-rock guitarist Stevie Ray Vaughan often brought the book along and read passages from it. Likewise, Jerry Garcia, lead guitarist of the rock band Grateful Dead, called it one of his favorite esoteric works.

Read or listen to The Urantia Book:

The Urantia Book on the Radio

The Urantia Book and its revelationshave been discussed several times on Coast to Coast AM, which is known as the most listened to overnight radio program in North America.

This means that millions of weekly listeners have listened to discussions about subjects in this popular book that have ranged from episodes in the life of Jesus not depicted in the Bible to the divine spark that lives within every human being.

You can listen to the shows here:

Another radio show delves progressively into the book’s contents, with experienced readers and scholars of the book engaging in fascinating discussions on chosen themes and concepts. This is The Cosmic Citizen, hosted on BlogTalkRadio. Past episodes are available here.

Dr. William S. Sadler

How Did the Book Come About?

It all started with the Urantia Papers.

In 1924, a psychiatrist by the name of Dr. William S. Sadler (above) set up a weekly Sunday discussion group for his friends at his Chicago, Illinois, home. This group became known as the forum.

At about the same time, Dr. Sadler was tending to a patient who used to go into a trance. This patient became known as the sleeping subject. Through this subject, and in answer to questions posed by members of the forum, papers written on various topics started to appear. Their authors claim to be a variety of beings with certain knowledge they wanted to reveal to humans on Urantia.

The papers were collected by the contact commission, made up of Dr. Sadler and his close associates.

Over a number of years, the papers totaled nearly two hundred. They dealt with subjects such as the nature of God, the structure of the cosmos, the history of Urantia, and the life and teachings of Jesus.

The papers were published as The Urantia Book in 1955.

Read more about the history of The Urantia Book.

A gathering of students of The Urantia Book.A Community Dedicated to The Urantia Book

The Urantia Book Fellowship (a.k.a. the Fellowship) is a global community promoting spiritual transformation by sharing this revelation of living truth. Its purpose is to connect people as brothers and sisters so they can share the teachings and promote one another’s spiritual growth.

The Fellowship provides reader services such as study groups, mentors, conferences, webinars, and Zoom retreats. It sends regular e-newsletters to its subscribers. It supports and develops teachers, and runs several programs intended to spread the teachings.

The Fellowship publishes the fully indexed edition of The Urantia Book through its own internal publishing agency, Uversa Press.

Also, you can download the book in many different languages at the Fellowship’s website.

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