Global Prayer Circle

Global Prayer Circle

by Bobbie Dreier

Dear Friends,

When Russia invaded Ukraine, a group of Urantia Book readers from around the world began a prayer vigil to pray for peace. Through the months it has evolved into a daily prayer circle. We begin with a guided worshipful meditation followed by ten minutes in silence. Following the silence those who wish to may offer personal prayers. Although the prayers are not always in English, we all experience the loving spirit of devotion to God.

The group experience has been spiritually uplifting, has enhanced our personal prayer life, and those of us who have attended regularly have experienced an ease in sharing our soul-felt prayers with our Father and each other. We meet daily from noon to 1:00 p.m. eastern time and we heartily welcome and encourage you to join our union of souls.
Password: 12345678

Bobbie Dreier
Urantia Society of Greater New York, Membership Chair
General Council Member

Survey for Kids Urantia Lessons

Survey for Kids Urantia Lessons 

By Alice Wood

Would you like help with bringing Urantia teachings to the kids in your life?

Would you like them to meet other Urantia kids?

Urantia University Institute is developing a program of live Zoom lessons where kids can interact with each other while an adult guides their lighthearted discussions about the life and teachings of Jesus and any other Urantia Book based topics that come up in the course of conversation. If this is something that you might enroll your kids or grandkids in, please fill out the very short poll here.

These lessons are geared toward kids ages 7 to 11. They use the Urantia Book based curriculum developed by long-time reader Vicki Arkens. Parents will print off a coloring page ahead of time so that kids can talk about the page’s content during the lesson. All of the coloring pages are inspired by “Part IV: The Life and Teachings of Jesus” of the Urantia Book, but other Urantia Book topics might be discussed if they happen to be brought up.

When kids are enrolled, they will be signed-up for a series of lessons that take place weekly for a season (such as, a series of lessons in the spring). 

If kids are self-sufficient in an online setting, parents do not need to be present (though they may enjoy listening in). Kids who need help with staying focused may need a parent in the room. 

These lessons will provide a dynamic way to familiarize kids with Urantia Book values, concepts, and terms, all while building a community of kids with shared values and religious culture. Parents can reinforce the lessons by referencing the coloring pages and talking about them over mealtimes or during any other family time.

Urantia University Institute is not yet taking registrations; we just need you to help us assess how much demand there is for a program like this. If this is something that you might enroll your kids in, please fill out our poll here.

Alice Wood is the Program Coordinator for Urantia University Institute.

Click Here to Fill out Poll

Location of the Garden of Eden 

by Andrea Barnes

“I’m going to show you the Garden of Eden, just as The Urantia Book describes it. You’re going to be some of the first people to see this after 34,000 years. And I’m not just saying that, I’m going to prove it.” That is how Robert Sarmast opened his presentation to the Urantia Book Los Angeles Society on the afternoon of November 19, 2022. I have to admit I was skeptical, but after his presentation my imagination and interest were so piqued that I’ve gone back many times to just stare at the maps that you can easily find online.

As many of you know, Robert has spent a considerable amount of his life searching for the location of the Garden of Eden as it is described in The Urantia Book. It was only very recently that scientific breakthroughs allowed him to penetrate the great mystery of the Garden’s actual location.

Do you love thinking about our world’s history, and the Garden of Eden in particular? If so, you’ll really enjoy this presentation. Here is the link.

Here are some additional quotes:

The coast line of this land mass was considerably elevated, and the neck connecting with the mainland was only twenty-seven miles wide at the narrowest point. The great river that watered the Garden came down from the higher lands of the peninsula and flowed east through the peninsular neck to the mainland and thence across the lowlands of Mesopotamia to the sea beyond. It was fed by four tributaries which took origin in the coastal hills of the Edenic peninsula, and these are the “four heads” of the river which “went out of Eden,” and which later became confused with the branches of the rivers surrounding the second garden. (73:3.4 (823.4])

At the center of the Edenic peninsula was the exquisite stone temple of the Universal Father, the sacred shrine of the Garden. To the north the administrative headquarters was established; to the south were built the homes for the workers and their families; to the west was provided the allotment of ground for the proposed schools of the educational system of the expected Son, while in the “east of Eden” were built the domiciles intended for the promised Son and his immediate offspring. The architectural plans for Eden provided homes and abundant land for one million human beings.
73:5.1 [824.5])

I hope your imagination and interest are also piqued by Robert Sarmast’s presentation. Enjoy!

Andrea Barnes
Urantia Book Los Angeles Society

Click Here to see Video


Graduation Memorials

by Richard Omura

Hello, Urantia sojourners! Looking back from the mansion worlds, we will fondly remember our friends from the Urantia days. But while we’re still here, let us take time to remember those who have graduated in the past year. If you know of any readers that have graduated to the morontia worlds this year, or any other year, please share so that we can memorialize them on the Urantia Book Fellowship’s website and online publications. 

Name and date of graduation, a photo, and a few words is all that is necessary. You can also write your own remembrances in the Graduation Memorial Forum.

The Graduation Memorial Forum is here:

Please email to:

Uganda’s Food Forest Movement

Uganda’s Food Forest Movement 

by Lindianne Sarno

When I first visited Paul Kemp's Spiritual Family Network website ( I noticed many Ugandan visitors to the website. Spirit urged me to learn more, and thus I met Waiswa John Billy, Director of Youth in Act—Uganda (YIAU) and Papa to the thirty-five orphans of His Grace Children’s Home. Together, YIAU, Snake River Music Gardens, and we the Ugandan people, are enacting YIAU’s Strategic Plan 2023-2028 to avert famine.

At our weekly online meeting of December 7, 2022, Waiswa John Billy conveyed the good news that twelve volunteer men and women in the Food Forest Program (described later) stand determined to accomplish the groundwork of YIAU’s Strategic Plan 2023-2028. These volunteers consist of five on the old team plus seven on the new team. The work of these volunteers started with performing baseline surveys in January, 2023.

YIAU received twenty five applicants for each full time volunteer position!....

Click Here to Read More


We strive to publish a variety of views, understanding that students of The Urantia Book can differ significantly in their interpretations of the teachings. The opinions and descriptions of the authors do not necessarily reflect the views of The Urantia Book Fellowship or initiatives that The Urantia Book Fellowship supports. Articles are being published in the interest of allowing the expression of a diversity of viewpoints held within the reader community.

Standard Reference Text Citations

You may see in-text citations for Urantia Book quotations in this publication that look like this: (62:5.1 [707.7]). The “62:5.1” portion can be used to look in a Urantia Book at paper 62, section 5, paragraph 1. The “707.7” portion can be used to look in a Urantia Book published by Urantia Foundation before 2009 on page 707, paragraph 7. These citations may also include an embedded URL link that can take you to the quotation within The Urantia Book.

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